When all the officers heard this, their faces were awed, and their eyes showed a trace of fear. Then they replied in unison, "Yes, commander!"

The next day, as Oka thought, Daryl and others obviously persuaded Jia to throw their weight around one day and launch a feint the next.
When Oka came to the city wall, he was somewhat surprised to find that the morale of the defenders was actually good. In the face of the imperial army attack, they were not as pale as yesterday, but all of them looked as if they were dead. It seems that those officers did not idle when they went back yesterday, but practiced hard!
As usual, Orca personally encouraged the soldiers in Chengtou, but the voice fell on the other side, and the horn sounded continuously, and the breath of the mighty battlefield filled the world in an instant.
Today, the imperial army directly got down to business. First of all, a number of infantry regiments in the vanguard bugle roared for miles before stepping. After coming to the river, many sheepskin rafts were pushed into the river, and thousands of people forced the first wave to cross the river at the same time. Most of them were light infantry, mostly carrying bows, negative shields and spears. Obviously, they were going to build a foothold at the landing site.
And behind them are thousands of infantry with big shields, but they are not the follow-up troops crossing the river, but the special cover. In front of hundreds of engineers, it is the most common way to build a simple pontoon bridge in the field, that is, a large number of canoes are cut down in advance to make canoe planks, and when the rope bridge is built, the canoes are pushed into the river in turn to be arranged horizontally and vertically, and then the canoes are spliced together to form a bridge deck. The canoes are anchored to the bottom, and the planks on the bridge deck are tied with ropes. Then the wooden nails are fixed. Of course, the paving of this pontoon bridge must survey the hydrological conditions in advance. If the water flow is too fast and the river surface is too wide, the foundation of this direct pontoon bridge will be unstable and very dangerous. However, at its widest point, Domiter and ru river are not here. A simple pontoon bridge is better than a heavy infantry and cavalry crossing the river safely.
Roman engineering technology is very advanced and skilled. Hundreds of engineers rushed to build three or four pontoons in a few minutes. Once the advantages of Teru river natural moat are built, they will lose what they don’t need. Dozens of scorpions, crossbows and catapults have been set up to shoot crossbows and gravel bullets to kill engineers and destroy wooden boats.
However, at this moment, the familiar roar and rumbling noise rang out from the enemy on the other side of the river, impressively, the imperial army’s crossbows and trebuchets were also covered with fire. It would be more appropriate to say that fire suppression was calculated according to the quantity, but this sudden sky-high crossbows and stone bullets made Orca look different, not because of other things, but because the fire strike strength did not seem to be like a feint!
Oka couldn’t help but look across the wall and see the many banners on the other side. Ten large trebuchets and dozens of Scorpio crossbows are scattered in the army. They are constantly pouring firepower to this side, screaming and screaming. From time to time, you can see that more than one meter long crossbows are plunged into the wall, and the rubble is flying, and the grotesque stone shells hit the wall or fall into the city, bringing up a brotherhood of the Wolf.
"What’s going on?" Oka’s heart can’t help but feel a little anxious, so he launched such a fierce attack by pretending to attack Iraq. I’m afraid the situation in Elias won’t last long! Didn’t you tell them to delay as long as possible?
Before Orca could figure out the reason, the river bank was yelling and rushing straight into the sky. Many sheepskin rafts rushed forward at the expense of casualties, and dozens of meters of river width had already passed half in an instant. The three pontoons behind them also made rapid progress!
"Damn it! This point is really attacking! " Seeing this, Orca doubts that the imperial army is not feinting but really attacking! In the face of the present situation, Oka didn’t know how to deal with it at the moment. Did he have to personally fight with his opposite comrades?
Just as Orca hesitated to time, suddenly the rear wall sounded deafening and cheered. Seeing that the defenders who had been suppressed to death had a great morale, they bravely shot at the imperial army on the river bank despite the danger!
The card startled to look back to detain eyes a clot!
See behind the fortress of Aris, a number of troops appeared in the dark, and what really cheered the defenders was that the flag painting was not a symbol of the olive branch of the Roman Empire, but the family pattern of Grace! It turns out that reinforcements have arrived
Orca suddenly realized that Daryl, they must have detected the arrival of reinforcements before, so they changed their feint and stormed, deliberately creating the illusion that being in such a fierce attack on Alice is bound to be a defender’s work!
Darryl, they’re sending themselves to the front of Cartus!
Section 60 The opportunity has finally come
"Lord Odom"
Two guards in front of the porch saluted with awe.
In the footsteps, Odom walked out of the house without replying, and walked straight past two guards along the cloister with a straight face.
It’s not that Odom is arrogant, but his mind is full of secrets that Cartus just gave him, which makes him a little absorbed in the outside world and slow down for half a beat.
Odom’s mind is almost focused on this new acceptance, because it is important. At present, although the situation in Rhys is still extremely dangerous, it has improved significantly. This is mainly due to the outstanding performance of the garrison of the Yaris fortress and the natural barrier imperial army of ru river has been delayed for nearly three days! It seems to be a short period of three days, but it is enough for the Grace family. Four sub-armed legions of about 24 people have been formed, two of which were immediately sent to Alice to support them, while the remaining two will train the main legions and replenish them with full staff.
Forming four legions in three days, even in many problems, the fighting capacity is far from being able to compete with the elite of the empire, but the energy of the Grace family can also be seen. This is simply unimaginable mobilization, and of course it consumes a lot of wealth and armaments! Although Odom has been with the Grace family for more than two years and has been trusted by the patriarch Cartus for nearly a year, he can’t help but be shocked by the appearance of human resources, wealth and resources of the Grace family in these three days!
However, the miracle of crisis is certainly exciting, but in order to set up these legions as soon as possible to consolidate the Yugoslav capital, the resources of Grace family in Reese have been exhausted at all costs. Although there are still two auxiliary legions in full swing, I am afraid both of them can serve as cannon fodder in terms of the quality, equipment and combat effectiveness of the soldiers.
However, the imperial army still has an absolute military advantage, so the Grace family can’t relax at all. However, it is urgent to recruit more legions just by relying on the wealth of one city in Reese to support four regular legions and two auxiliary legions. The only choice is to recruit in other cities.
Hands pressed his forehead, barely suppressing the churning of information in his mind. Odom’s mood was irrepressible. After testing him in Cartus’s house, he was very satisfied with his loyalty. Finally, he solemnly handed him over to the south. He will be responsible for preparing resources and recruiting legions in southern cities on behalf of the Grace family.
Odom consciously touched the side edge of the breastplate, where there was a roll of parchment. A roll recorded the names of all the secret control chambers of commerce of the Grace family in Spanish provinces, the location of the underground vault, and the connections and resources of all cities! A method to estimate the value of the parchment The treasures accumulated by the Grace family for centuries are written in detail on this parchment! It is with this rich treasure that the Grace family dares to launch an ambitious rebellion, trying to get rid of imperial control and truly become the whole Spanish ruler to create a new kingdom, a kingdom belonging to the name Grace.
It’s not Odom’s turn to know that he can talk to the heads of the Grace family and their heirs in the past dynasties, but the first members of the Grace family were almost caught in a net on the night of the Salamanca unrest. Cartus and Juan escaped by luck, but Juan was unfortunately shot by a vector on the way and was seriously injured. Obviously, the law is still unconscious. Compared with others, especially those noble Cartus, it is clear that these people are the chief guards of the family and command the private soldiers of the Grace family. Odom is the only candidate. Of course, more importantly, Odom is convinced.
Barely calmed down the excitement, Odom quickly returned to normal and strode out. He had to do it without delay.
Just as Odom walked to the gate, someone came in first, and his eyes glanced at the man’s face. Odom’s hurried steps could not help but frown slightly. When the man turned out to be recently, Cartus deeply valued and promoted the young man named Dragon!
Odom doesn’t pay attention to what it means that this young man is valued by Cartus. Obviously, it is necessary to know that in a system, the original group will naturally reject the later group. He gives benefits because of the position. There are so many cakes and so many people. Everyone has ambitions, but often the reality is that the promotion depends not on qualifications or achievements, but on whether it can be appreciated by the position. Because of this jealousy and exclusion, it is inevitable that it is the Grace family department or the current aristocratic alliance. Odom is used to it recently. I heard a lot of wind, and many nobles have been wary of this guy named Dragon. Of course, he is not worried about this young man’s threat. His value in Cartus’s eyes is definitely far higher than this young man’s, but the threat of a latecomer is self-evident, and Odom is no exception. He is also secretly wary of this young man, but the two have not talked directly, so Odom’s understanding of Orca is only hearsay.
But I don’t know if it’s an illusion or something. Odom felt that the other person’s eyes seemed to stay in his body for a moment before moving silently. If he hadn’t worked around Cartus for years and developed a sensitivity to eyes, Odom would have found that the other person seemed to know himself, but this unexpected discovery immediately left Odom in doubt. What kind of eyes did the young man who had never met glance at himself with special meaning and hide this move?
Odom was puzzled. Although he didn’t rashly think it was a bad move for himself, Odom naturally felt a little defensive. At the same time, he decided to search for a lot of background information about the dragon and learn more about the young people who might be friends or enemies in the future.
This thought temporarily suppressed the doubts and Odom walked out of the gate. However, when he walked out of the gate, he suddenly thought of a problem. Didn’t the dragon volunteer to go to the commander of the Yaris fortress? How can you appear here to see that his expression is obviously not that the fortress is lost? Is it that Cartus Pavilion called him back and asked him to be as important as himself?
Listening to the footsteps drifting away behind him, Oka withdrew his attention. Sure enough, this Odom was the one who started the slave-hunting mercenary captain. Let Gary Cass take people to monitor his movements. It should be rewarding to see that he just walked out of Cartus’s house, his expression was faint and implied excitement, but his steps were in a hurry. Maybe the plan breakthrough is coming soon.
However, Oca is most concerned about this guy, but about to meet Cartus. After the reinforcements arrived yesterday, the imperial army was very’ cooperative’. After the storm for a while, the fortress of Alice was calm. This morning, Oca received a messenger from Reese, Cartus, asking him to unload it and return to Oca immediately. He felt that if he estimated it correctly, Cartus should have decided to practice his promise after learning that Iris was ill and had successfully delayed for several days.
A legion is insignificant, but if it is in the hands of Orca, it can be easily turned upside down in the end!



