"Don’t even think about betraying the leader!" After trembling and struggling for a quarter of an hour, the Bones Magic Buddha finally woke up from that tragic taste experience. Although he looked at the black pine sand and looked like he had seen a ghost, he still gritted his teeth.

"Very well, that’s what you said." Xu Zhihu sighed and took out a long plastic bottle. "Well, this is called red scream, so-called plant drink. It is said that it tastes like drinking overlord shampoo and you can clearly distinguish fennel, celery, coriander, cabbage, lettuce, oil wheat vegetables, wormwood stalks, fish tofu, shrimp dumplings …"
I’m not finished yet. He just poured this bottle of red scream into the past while the Bones Devil has been shocked and opened his mouth.
A few seconds later, the Bones Buddha was stupefied at first, and then suddenly collapsed. Looking up at the sky, two lines of tears flowed involuntarily along his twisted cheeks, and at this moment, you could see that his skin adipose tissue was shaking like a pile driver at a speed of 300 times per second.
"No, it’s your own request." Xu Zhihu looked at him with sympathy on his face. "Then I won’t give you a drink if you are willing to talk now. Honestly, it’s quite unkind."
"…" Poor Bones Magic Buddha couldn’t even speak at this time, but even so, depending on his gnashing expression, I knew he was still fighting back and refused to explain.
Awe-inspiring. Awe-inspiring!
Xu Zhihu has never seen such a tough guy, so forget it. Impulse, but considering the importance of the matter, I finally have to hold the reverence attitude and lift the bottle of Laoshan Agkistrodon Grass Water with trembling. "Well, man, please allow me to introduce this one. It’s called Laoshan Agkistrodon Grass Water. I bought a bottle of it and poured it out a little, so I scared off the soul-eating insect king. Then I seriously asked if you …"
Don’t wave, Yan Chixia listened to it, and directly grabbed this bottle of Laoshan Agkistrodon grass water and broke off the mouth of the white bone magic statue. It was irresponsible to pour it into it!
Gollum, Gollum, Gollum!
Caught off guard, the magic statue was directly filled with half a bottle. Just when he reached his mouth, he exclaimed and suddenly stopped abruptly. Then he saw that his twitching face was completely dull and suddenly changed from red to yellow, from yellow to white, from white to purple, and from purple to blue.
"This this this feeling …"
Well, if black pine sand and red screaming drinks are still shocking drinks, but this is the original taste, then at this moment, the white bone demon suddenly realized that this strange liquid of the famous white snake grass water can make people feel "deeply desperate for the world"-
He took a sip of it, and suddenly he knew what it meant to be "soaked in sweat and spoiled by a summer mat";
Then in a few seconds, he felt a man who had just run 10 thousand meters take off his clothes and wring water from his mouth. He felt that the aunt in the vegetable market was stuffing unsold celery into his mouth. He felt that the mat was sitting with a stingy man smiling at me.
A moment later, he was nauseous, and he had an impulse to lie down in the toilet and let the drink flow into the toilet. This bite of his life was of great historical significance, which made him suddenly feel that hundreds of years of life experience was so worthless that the richness of life experience instantly defeated all the gas refiners in Kunwu.
At this moment, everyone retreated to dozens of feet away, and looked at the white bone demon statue with panic and sympathy. Xu Zhihu was kind enough to hand Niu Mowang half a bottle of Agkistrodon grass water. "Er, old cow, would you like to try it?"
After a long, long time, I saw that the Bones Magic Zun was still there. My eyes were straight, my face twitched and I was shaking. Chijie finally couldn’t help but pick up a twig and carefully poked the Bones Magic Zun’s chest like a firecracker. "Hey, who are you okay?"
Without answering, Bones Magic Zun still feels about life. His eyes are staring blankly. It took a quarter of an hour before his lips trembled and he said, "You feel … thank you!"
"Huh?" Xu Zhihu and Chijie looked at each other. "Thank you later?"
"Thank you … thank you …" Bones demon statue repeated intermittently again.
For a moment, he took a deep breath, and his whole body bones rang wildly. When he looked up again, the original ferocious face was a little more peaceful and the original fanatical latosolic red eyes suddenly became clear.
"Wait a minute?" Xu Zhihu suddenly thought of a possibility that he was greatly surprised.
"That’s right!" Bones magic statue nodded slightly and choked back the excitement in the belly and sighed with relief. "I can’t believe that the Yin method that was fascinated by that fellow in that year was driven to get rid of it for decades. In the end, it was restored by this white snake grass and water."
"Er, really?" Red face they couldn’t help startled language but suddenly white come over "ah, let’s talk about it. Double snakes have always taught those guys no moral integrity. Tiger force big fairy, the three of them are typical. How did you get to Bones and suddenly become very strong-willed? So that’s it."
"Khan, I have this function of Agkistrodon grass water?" Xu Zhihu was also surprised to see the grateful white bone demon statue on the other side and quickly handed over the remaining half bottle of drink. "Do you want some more?"
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,no." Just now, I was full of gratitude, and the Bones Monster suddenly made a cold shiver. "I know what you want to ask before. Yes, the Golden Leader has never left Jiangnan, so he hid in Zhenjiang … Jinshan Temple!"
"Where?" As soon as you say this, everyone is stunned.
"This is impossible!" Yan Chixia was stunned for a few seconds and suddenly became furious. "Nonsense. Nonsense. I have lived in Jinshan Temple for the past few months. It is the focus of Buddhism. How can that cult leader stay there?"
"Then maybe maybe he dressed up as sweeping monk." Xu Zhihu couldn’t help but vomit and think about it and handed the half bottle of Agkistrodon grass water. "Are you sure you don’t want another bite of that old white? Maybe you haven’t finished clearing your mind yet?"
"It’s true that the Yuan God swore that there was no empty talk." The Bones Magic Zun felt creepy and hurriedly explained, "The Golden Leader has been hiding in Jinshan Temple for decades and used various means to drive his congregation to collect all kinds of materials. Well, it was for this purpose that he sent people to venture into Shushan some time ago."
"You mean that the ship refining pool and the lock demon tower are also the targets of his material search?" Xu Zhihu couldn’t help but suddenly realize that he immediately thought of what he had seen and heard in shushan some time ago.
"Yes, all he did, including catching the Millennium Snake Demon and Zhu Yingtai, was to refine one thing." Bones Magic Zun nodded without hesitation.
"Wait a minute. What the hell is that thing?" Chijie listened and couldn’t help but raise her hand. Everyone wants to know this question.
"I don’t know, I haven’t seen it." Bones magic statue sighed with a strange face. "That guy is extremely cautious, even if I am controlled by him, I have never seen that thing. I know that the power of that thing should be terrible and he will refine it …"
If you want to refine the gold leader, you can use this thing to levy the whole Kunwu from now on.
Xu Zhihu is very emotional. I’ve seen this before, but Chijie doesn’t hum a "Hum, I don’t care so much. Anyway, Miss Su Zhen and Miss Zhu are here to see how that guy refines?"
"No, you’re all wrong." Bones Magic smiled and shook his head. "The Millennium Serpent and Zhu Yingtai really have a lot to say about refining, which has a high probability of success, but I know that guy that if he can’t get the right materials slowly, maybe he will be determined to forcibly refine and refine successfully. Even if refining is unsuccessful, once the magic gas leaks, he will be afraid of more than half of Jiangnan …"
Don’t say it. Just listening to his description, Xu Zhihu and Yan Chixia imagined such a scene and couldn’t help shivering.
"What are you waiting for?" At the moment, Yan Chixia directly pulled out five Lei Jian in a rage. "Before we go back to Jinshan Temple, I will be interesting to see where that bastard can hide from everyone … Old Xu Chichi, are you coming?"
How can you not come at a time like this when you have a great hatred?
Dongshan ou Tuan immediately jumped up and combatively pulled out a sword and halberd. Xu Zhihu wanted to think, but also helped to untie the shackles of the bones and let Su Zhen have a treatment … Well, of course not a kiss!
A moment later, Yinli stepped on the gas pedal and filled a large group of people. The five-way double-decker bus roared and bumped out of Zhujiajian Manor. I just ran out of the secret room. I was stunned to see that my daughter was "abducted" for a long time before I reacted shivering and exclaimed, "Ying Yingtai … Master Fahai, where are you taking my daughter?"
"Don’t be nervous, we are taking her to save the world." Xu Zhihu leaned out of the window and waved her hand seriously.
In a blink of an eye, the five-way double-decker bus gradually disappeared with billowing smoke in the distant wilderness. If you listen carefully, you can still hear a few guys talking strangely-
"Well, speaking of bones, what’s the smell of that Agkistrodon grass water just now?"
"Don’t ask, don’t ask this …"
"Well, I’m curious, but then again, if five drinks are mixed together …"
"Trust me, you don’t want to know!"
Chapter 142 Laoyan Have you ever been in love?
Although Kunwu is in the south, it still takes about two or three days to travel from Qiantang Prefecture to Zhenjiang, Jinshan Temple. Obviously, this is completely different from what Xu Zhihu knows about Jiangnan
Because of this, although everyone started from Zhujiajian Garden on the same day and traveled overnight with the help of the five-way double-decker bus, they were still sleepy and yawned in the early hours of the morning, so they could park their cars in the middle of nowhere and have a meal and nap in an abandoned mountain temple, and watch some two ancient costume romance series …
Don’t get me wrong, the so-called costume romance drama doesn’t mean Xu Zhihu and Chijie, but refers to the new addition-
Swaying with the wind beside the bonfire, Yan Chixia is there with the light of the fire, concentrating on repairing the five thunder swords. I wish the big lady sitting next to him with a bar full of little stars and admiring him. Looking at him from time to time, she also took out a fragrant handkerchief and carefully wiped his forehead and sweat. I can see that even if she is blind …
The problem is that Lao Yan’s perception is worse than blindness!



