The mother did not abandon the capsule, but carried the "hard shell" behind her like a conch …

The position of the rescue capsule just covered the tumor behind it!
If it weren’t for this larva with no "shell", Kelange couldn’t find out that this monster had hidden this abnormal part in the rescue capsule.
That’s its weakness!
"valentina! Can you see the bump on the tail of that tentacle? "
"I can see … it keeps moving. You said that part would occasionally come out," valentina replied. "Do you want me to shoot here?"
"For the magnetic sniper gun-try not to let the shells pass through its body. If this is its weakness, it will definitely try its best to stop the bullets coming here," said Ke Lan.
"Okay, I know." Valentina pulled the sight to adjust the muzzle angle.
At this moment, Leighton finally prepared aqua regia and smashed the aqua regia force toward the tentacle group.
This time, the tentacle did not extend to the glass bottle, but evaded to one side, but it was this evasion that made the tumor-like protrusion at its tail directly exposed in the muzzle of Valkyrie.
Valentina pulled the trigger without hesitation.
Chapter four hundred and sixty-seven Sniper war of annihilation
Coordinate B151H117 of melting fire mining area
As soon as Allen crossed a four-five-split highway, he ran into a group of heretical believers who were on their way.
Although these people are wearing protective heads and helmets, they can’t see their faces clearly, but Allen identified them instantly
A total of more than 30 people are wearing protective clothing, and there are nearly 20 different models, and even the one that has been discontinued for decades and has a bloated body. The overall structure of this kind of clothing refers to the old era of extravehicular space, but it is completely opposite to the concept of space tailoring and Excellence. If summed up in a few words, it is simple, cheap and modular.
This kind of industry is to equip "external hull maintenance workers"-a once-defunct but now-defunct professional ark. During the 900-year drifting process, the external hull will not be damaged or broken. Most of these problems are solved by repair robots.
However, robots can’t do all kinds of complicated operations, but they still have to be done manually, which naturally gives birth to such a special profession.
An adult with a normal level of intelligence and physical fitness needs three months of training to become an "external hull maintenance worker". Generally, 10 to 15 workers form a maintenance class, and an engineer leader and technical guidance are provided. At the peak of this industry, the number of workers engaged in "external hull maintenance" in the whole ark was nearly 10,000.
This professional salary level is not high, but it is just enough for daily sales. However, the maintenance industry subsidy is much higher than the per capita salary level of Ark residents-the standard meal with meat (protein synthetic meat) and vegetables (bean sprouts produced by hydroponic farms and some vegetables mainly eaten during the drifting period of fungi) needs to be taken out of the cabin in the 1950 s, and the maintenance industry subsidy will be 6 to 1,000 credits. If it is an emergency maintenance, it will be higher.
Of course, high pay also means high risk. According to official statistics, the overall mortality rate of unit external hull maintenance workers is about 69%, which means that seven out of every 100 maintenance workers can’t return to the ark alive.
After the ark landed on Alpha Star, this high-risk occupation naturally disappeared from human history, and the library of thousands of sets of taiye quickly became a "waste" with very cheap prices flowing into the people.
Many people who can’t afford professional protection will go to the black market to find this kind of antique replacement decades ago, but these industries are extremely compressed products, and the reliability is not high because of disrepair. In addition, this is to design and equip the ground for the gravity environment, which will greatly limit the mobility of the wearer-the mortality rate caused by these industries is even higher than that in the drifting era.
Although there are a lot of buyers, the base is all those poor rookie hunters or cash-strapped bottom mercenaries, and they know in their hearts that the performance of this thing is really not good enough to wear to some places with low risk, but if you wear this thing to the lava mining area, it is no different from asking for death
And Allen bumped into this team, almost half of them were wearing the most worn pieces in this cheap industry, and even patched and taped …
No matter whether it is the troops sent here to search and rescue or the workers stationed in the base, it is impossible to wear this kind of equipment. This group of people can be exiles living in the wilderness and exiles in the melting fire mining area, which must be the "extreme points" belonging to heretical sects
Fortunately, this group of people did not find Allen.
Allen hid behind the roadbed and put a sniper rifle scope on it. They looked at the crowd carefully. They seemed to be very anxious. First, the man kept waving his automatic rifle. He seemed to shout at the people who fell to the end of the line, but Allen couldn’t hear him at a distance, and because they were all wearing helmets, he couldn’t judge what he said by observing his mouth shape.
"Are these people rushing to support friendly forces?" This was the first thought that came to Allen’s mind. "Is it possible that the commander and the leader of Brea are fighting with heretics?"
All these people are in a hurry to get deeper into the mining area?
Allen’s eyes swept over these people one by one-they were poorly equipped, not only protected by colorful "Wan Guo" weapons, but also in China. It was best for the leader to take the 50% new rifle in his hand, and he took things in his hand. He was not even a poker in the eyes of this elite soldier.
Allen is very suspicious of the high temperature environment in the lava mining area. Those things that are pieced together from miscellaneous items and can barely be regarded as "guns" may explode when they are fired …
There is no such high-tech equipment as magnetic weapons and laser weapons that need strong logistics support.
The fighting capacity of this team is not high. It is obvious that their marching ranks are not good at tacit cooperation with each other, let alone talking about it.
Even on weekdays, Allen looked down on the resident corps and pulled out a team of ten people casually. Without the help of terrain, intelligence, fire support and other "foreign objects", the two sides confronted each other in a wide area, and the resident corps team could easily annihilate these more than 30 people and still hurt them with great probability.
"I am about 170 meters away from them. Their weapon bases are all mechanical sights … and even the sights don’t hit me …" Allen thought to himself, "And there are two cracks several meters wide in the middle. It is difficult for them to rush to my side at the first time."
His fingers gently rubbed against the trigger retainer of the sniper rifle.
"In order to speed up the March, they all choose wide and flat places to take the surrounding bunkers. I can kill these people here after I finish my ability, so maybe I can command them to share some of the pressure …"
"But once there is a firefight with this group of people, my position will be exposed. If there are any of them nearby, I will be in danger … The most deadly thing is that I can’t pass the news of the support base to the commander …"
"My first priority is to deliver information, but the commander may be caught in a bitter struggle. I can get close to them even if I can get to the war zone …"
"It is better to eat this group of people first and then make another plan …"
After Allen made up his mind, he immediately pushed a bullet into the chamber and searched for the target.
The assault rifle with active ammunition is put at that foot-he can kill this monster if there is an erosion device in this group.
He won’t even give erosion species a chance to jump over the first crack.
Although Allen is a sniper, his automatic weapon shooting performance is also the top of the team. One-type assault rifle shoots 150 meters away from the moving target, and the number of bullets missing from a magazine will not exceed three. This moving target is not the kind of man-machine target that moves slowly like an old woman in a wheelchair in the shooting hall, but it moves irregularly at a speed of 25 meters per second.
When they train, they set up an imaginary enemy, which is the most fierce indigenous creature in the wilderness or the prototype of intensified erosion species.
Allen moved the gun smoothly and locked the sight in the center of the team, a big man with a strong figure.
This big fellow is carrying an old-fashioned machine gun on his shoulder. Although the rusty gun body means that the daily maintenance of this thing is very poor, or there is almost no daily maintenance, the failure rate is definitely high when shooting. Not only does Allen dare to gamble, but no one can guarantee that this machine gun will get stuck when it hits the first round.
One hundred and fifty meters, three hundred meters … This is the most terrifying distance of this train of machine guns. Ten-millimeter powerful bullets can easily penetrate a meter-thick rock, while one hundred rounds of ammunition chains ensure the continuity of fire-the gunner root does not need accurate aiming to "splash water" at Allen’s hiding place, which can make him lift his head.
The first shot must kill the machine gunner who poses the greatest threat to himself.
The sniper rifle sight has its own ballistic calculator, which can also work normally. Alan has spared no effort to calculate parameters such as wind speed and air pressure, and his brain has automatically adjusted the deviation of the sight. The shooting distance of 170 meters can almost be said to refer to where to hit.
"bang! Hey! " He pulled the trigger.
One in the chest and one in the head.
The machine gunner should fall!
That group of people instantly became a mess. Some people immediately rushed to the nearest bunker, and more people were wandering around like flies in the same place. The most outrageous guy was tripped by his companion, fell down and rolled out for more than ten meters and fell into a fissure full of magma.
As Allen expected, these people had no formal militarization training and could not come up with an emergency plan when they were ambushed.
In the leader’s reaction, he jumped behind a boulder for the first time, but instead of giving orders and folding his hand, he leaned out his gun from the edge of the boulder and strafed it at random.
The impact point of the bullet is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Allen’s hiding place.
Even this "commander" has no military accomplishment at all. Any rookie who comes out of XinBingLian will perform much better than him at this time.
This is not like a team rushing to support friendly troops, but more like a group of hard workers driven by supervisors.
"This guy doesn’t know which direction he is shooting …" Allen thought, and his heart was full of confidence.



