Chui fook once played a trick of diverting Bai Xiaofei’s life and death and was "cut off" by Long Qie and Xia Gu, but he didn’t give up. He still paid attention to Shenzhou No.1 when Shenzhou No.1 suddenly started the magnetic railgun for a large number of positioning calculations. Chui fook immediately sensed it.

Chapter 7 Love lies (1)
When the magnetic railgun was launched, Xu Fu immediately killed hundreds of thousands of Southeast Asians and started Hongyun witchcraft. He planned to pursue the passage of the magnetic railgun into the fairy world.
Xu Fu has entered the virtual space for many times, attacked by a strange and terrible energy turbulence in the virtual space, and gradually learned how to locate and avoid energy turbulence to a certain extent, just like borrowing ocean currents in the sea of Wang Yang. I have to admit that Xu Fushi is clever and worthy of being the enemy of Long Qie’s life.
As soon as Chui Fu entered the virtual space, he immediately found out that he was sent to the virtual space by a magnetic railgun. Chui Fu didn’t know who the column was, but whoever Chui Fu was sent to the fairy world by Yanhuang tried his best to kill him and replace him!
There is no time to flow in the imaginary. It seems that it takes a blink of an eye to cross from the earth to another world, but it is enough to measure Xu Fuke from the ground when it is rooted in the imaginary.
Chui fook rushed to the column-and then he was swept back by a huge energy. Chui Fu-li hit it several times. Every time he was just near the column, he was automatically countered. The energy was huge, and it was definitely not a child who could send Chui fook quickly. This is a virtual energy. There are its own rules in the virtual space. Different travelers can’t be disturbed by each other.
Chui fook some impatient is very not easy to get the opportunity so lost?
He suddenly moved in his heart and said that he didn’t know who this crossing child was today. His position is extraordinary, otherwise Yanhuang would never move the magnetic railgun easily!
Chui fook no longer attacked Liena, but quietly leaned out of the soul. This spirit is not aggressive. At most, it can be regarded as a way of observation. Just like the eyes look at people, it is sure that this spirit has not been countered by virtual turbulence, and Liena himself is in chaos in his mind. Everything is clearly known by Chui fook.
Chui Fu-bi was shocked-Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui didn’t die, but their souls crossed into the fairy world to establish their country!
Damn it, you should be the one who made such a great achievement!
If it’s me, Xu Fu, who has arrived in the fairy world, a Chinese country, it’s nothing. The whole fairy world, not the whole star, will be me!
Humanization? Kung fu? Orcs? Stupid! Stupid to the extreme! Killing is the monster’s sex, but Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui have to go against it, which is equivalent to abruptly weakening the monster’s strength!
Xu Fuqi gnashed his teeth. These two idiots, Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui, were able to cross into the immortal world, but they tried their best all their lives but didn’t enter the door. God is really blind!
Chui fook hate can’t slap death column instead of crossing to the fairy world to kill Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui hegemony-he is also a strange world is not the fairy world, but the rules of that world are more to his liking, and the turbulent killing way keeps evolving and evolving. This is his real dream world!
But it happened that the virtual rules constrained Chui fook, so let this rare opportunity pass?
Chui fook nervously thinking while watching the column with mind to see if there is any opportunity.
Suddenly Chui Fu’s heart moved and he saw the complex emotional confusion of Lena Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui Wei.
Flies don’t bite and sew eggs. Lena has a small crack in her heart!
Lena loves Xiaohui and Bai Xiaofei so deeply that he doesn’t want to leave Xiaohui and Bai Xiaofei just as all children in the world don’t want to leave their parents.
But Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui have always regarded the earth as their real home, and their ultimate goal of evolution is to fly back to the earth in the daytime.
When Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui got their wish, it was also the time when Lena lost her favorite parents.
So Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui never realized that their wishes were the exact opposite!
Of course, Lena can also evolve to the ultimate form and then cross the earth, but Lena is not sure whether she can be Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui again after she is reincarnated to the earth.
Especially when Lena saw the earth’s yanhuang Taiwan Province mother tree cave Bao Xiaohui and Bai Xiaofei’s body, he suddenly realized that the real world Xiaohui, Bai Xiaofei Earth Xiaohui and Bai Xiaofei were completely different people!
If Xiaohui and Bai Xiaofei’s souls really return to the earth, they are likely to give birth to their own blood. At that time, what is this guy who just copied some genes of Xiaohui?
In all kinds of entanglements, Lena suddenly had an idea. If it was just that Xiaohui’s mother and Bai Xiaofei’s father would never go back to the earth to stay with them in a different world, how good it would be to be a good boy and make this family of three always full of happy smiles.
This is the gap in Lena’s mind. He puts his parents’ love in Xiaohui and Bai Xiaofei’s wish to return to earth!
In other words, Elena betrayed Xiaohui and Bai Xiaofei!
Xu Fu is an old hand at playing with people’s minds. He keenly discovered the flaw in Lena’s mind, so he quietly leaned out of his mind and gently pushed it-this is not an attack because it was Lena’s choice of a Xu Fu, but it was just a logical conclusion.
At this moment, there was a sudden fluctuation in the virtual space, and the train was gone. He crossed back to another world.
Chui fook induction to return to normal virtual this time he wanted to hitchhike but failed, but there was a windfall. Although Chui fook himself didn’t know what consequences would be caused by a gentle push in his mind, it was enough for him to be able to give Bai Xiaofei a mess.
Lena opened his eyes, and he saw that he was falling from it. The surface was a familiar city!
Crossing succeeded! Ling Lan and Nima are very accurate in positioning, and Lena appears directly in the dome of the city.
Column and was about to use Qingyun longitudinal kung fu to slow down their falling trend. A silver figure has flashed on the ground. "What person? Dare to invade China? Oh, my God, is this, is this Lena? You are Lena! "
Chapter 71 Love lies (2)
Column with a smile "Hello, Uncle Yue Fei, Mr Kaixuan"
When the enemy invaded, it was Yue Fei and Triumph who flew in quickly. After their initial surprise, they quickly burst out laughing. "I knew you wouldn’t have an accident, you little fox. Good people don’t live long. You little troublemaker will certainly be able to live and have a good look at you in the double catastrophe. Now you haven’t lost a hair and gained a lot of weight. You are worthy of being King Bai Xiaofei and Queen Xiaohui."
Hear Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui name column with a hot chest he eagerly tunnel "mom and dad ok? Take me to see them! " Lena consciously didn’t call her father and mother, but instead called her mother and father an ordinary family. Now she is a homecoming child.
Lena Yue Fei, accompanied by Kaixuan, is flying to the Buddhist temple. A light spot has rushed to "Lena!" It’s Xiaohui She received Yue Feiyin’s report and got it back. She spread her wings to meet her the first time.
Lena threw herself into Xiaohui’s arms. "Mom, I’m home!"
Xiaohui stroked Lena’s black hair. "It’s good to come back. I’m so worried about you."
Lena felt the tenderness of Xiaohui, and her heart strengthened an idea, an idea to get more happiness for herself.
Half an hour later, Lena sat in the middle hall of the Buddhist temple, eating Xiaohui and making various snacks while reporting to Bai Xiaofei, Xiaozi, Li Shimin and Yue Fei that she had learned all the information after crossing the earth.
From time to time, Bai Xiaofei sighed that "the nuclear bomb suddenly appeared in the Xia clan’s underground city, so it came to Li Shimin. I’m really sorry for the Xia clan, which was implicated by our earth and suffered this catastrophe."
Li Shimin shook his head. "I don’t blame the Chinese people on the earth. All this is ultimately the cheating of Xu Fu. One day we will settle the bill with him! By the way, I didn’t expect that King Qiao Feng was still alive and became an earth person. His kung fu is still stronger than that of a king. Everywhere is a king. "-Xiaohui, who was alive in Qiao Feng, once felt a little incredible about Li Shimin’s trip to Li Shimin, but he personally confirmed it.
Lena said to Teresa Teng next to her, "Aunt Deng and Uncle Qiao Feng said that the earth is waiting for you, and the earth will still be husband and wife with you."
Teresa Teng flushed with "Qiao Feng, this guy doesn’t help Wei to kill the slave corpse brother. Who knows how long it will take me to evolve? Maybe when I cross the earth, he would have been lonely and married to the earth girl."
Xiaohui put her arm around Teresa Teng’s shoulder and said, "No, Mrs. Deng, I have already told you that Qiao Feng’s big brother loves you, and even if it is separated by two different times, the world cannot change that fraction."
Teresa Teng consumedly square tunnel "well, cheap Qiao Feng that guy after the old niang evolution through still when his wife heard that the earth Chinese men and women are few and a lot of bachelor Qiao Feng this guy has my door as a wife but the heart is broken".
They burst into laughter.
Li Shimin got up. "Lena just got back. It’s time to talk to Bai Xiaofei and Xiaohui. We won’t bother you here."
Yue Fei Yi Yi "We haven’t discussed how to deal with the Fuehrer-the dark magician. This is the biggest crisis facing our Chinese nation."
Li Shimin light say with smile "this is nothing to discuss in one word-play! Even if Lena doesn’t bring back this news, the Fuehrer is our biggest and most dangerous enemy. Lena’s information only further confirms that the Fuehrer is our sworn enemy. Anyway, there will be a life-and-death battle sooner or later. What are the good waves to discuss? It’s better to exercise your kung fu more here than to shoot the breeze. "
After Li Shimin, Yue Fei and others left, Xiao Zi also found an excuse to leave and give a family of three who are not easy to reunite alone.
Bai Xiaofei inquired about Lena’s crossing situation at that time. He said, "It seems that the platform on the top of the lonely peak is quite unstable. When it was in the middle of two days, a wormhole was automatically created. Lena, you really survived this time and you were lucky enough to cross the earth. Otherwise, you will be taken to a terrible world in vain, and you may not come back in your life."
Lena smiled at Xiaohui. "Mom saved me."
Xiaohui zheng "me? I was really worried after you disappeared, but our city roots can’t help you, and even worse, they can save you. "
Lena held out her hand and shook her finger at the ice crystal of tears. "This is caused by my mother’s tears. When I lost my way in vain, it was tears that guided me to find the earth."
Xiaohui said, "My tears were induced by genes from the earth-Lena, you are so lucky to have saved your mother’s tears intentionally."
Lena gently stroked the tears and ice crystals. "This is my treasure. It will accompany me all my life."-Mom, you should accompany me all your life.
Xiaohui said, "Lena and mom talk about the earth-my friends, Yu Xiaojia, Qiao Feng and Xiao Pang-are they all right?"
Lenashi didn’t have much contact with Yu Xiaojia and others, but he spoke vividly, especially when he said that Yu Xiaojia was pregnant for several years and didn’t give birth today, which made Xiao Hui giggle.
Bai Xiaofei didn’t restore the memory of the Earth Department today. He felt interesting about Yu Xiaojia and other personnel, but he didn’t invest as much as Xiaohui.



