Let me die!

Chapter 16 New Year’s Eve Shocking Robbery
This night is destined to be a tough night for the people in Hammer City camp.
Although they live in Hammer City, there is also a round-the-clock noise, but it is a low and disciplined industrial noise.
But now this kind of harsh and amazing explosion makes almost everyone of them have a headache and fidgety.
Although the body is much harder than human beings, their spirit is obviously not tougher.
"I can’t stand killing them!" Finally, the hammer leader roared, "Attack me!"
Several war dogs flew out of the camp and shot several bursts into the distance.
It’s okay to use this kind of thing to deal with war dogs and ground buildings, but the accuracy of bombarding people is not enough immediately.
Besides, these guys are running fast, watching the big dog coming, and immediately they scattered into the forest and disappeared.
A few wars, the giant dog blasted a few rounds at random, and I don’t know if it has any effect.
Seeing these people retreating, they patrolled the war dogs for a while and then went back.
And then after a while …
"Boom boom boom …"
"Blast them to death! Blow them to death! " More than a dozen war dogs rose to the opposite side at the same time and bombarded it.
The nearby forests are almost leveled.
Mom, these guys should be dead …
Then ten minutes later …
"Boom boom …"
Even the elite hammer guard and a group of energetic and destructive bear children are simply asking for it.
Several war dogs came out again and blew up all the burst spears this time.
Then he saw a head coming out of a nearby forest, and then he slammed it with a bang.
This is a provocation!
Absolutely provocative!
"Ah, ah, ah, I’m going to kill them!" In the first world war, the giant dog lost his mind and went straight into the Woods. He slammed into the ground and rushed forward, vowing to trample several people to death.
Then he saw a bucket of Gollum rolling to the foot of this war giant dog.
"Boom!" Ring
There is one less war dog in the world and one more potted clematis.
Hammer city guards are about to collapse.
These people are disgusting. They are disgusting.
How can this happen!
It’s mean! It’s mean!
What can they do? You can go back and cover your ears and pretend you can’t hear.



