All the way to the tragic battle, life and death, ups and downs, everyone was seriously injured and hit the earth, but it ended so sadly.

When it’s over, it’s over. Finally, it’s over. Mo djinn schemed for a long time, and it took a lot of energy to lay a large array. In the end, he died. Is this a fair death or a bad retribution?
Chapter one hundred and ninety-five Down bone dust town LingShi
Heaven in the nether world is the Lord, the immortal teacher and the totem, which are the true thoughts and obsessions of all the monsters who killed the monkey. When he died, thousands of people around him were in love with each other, but when the war was heavy, they knelt down and wailed.
On the side of King Agu, people cheered loudly, and some people cried with their eyes closed, and General Huya cried loudly, but they cried for joy and joy!
The king destroyed the Lord, killed the Yin soldiers, and died. The spirit of fighting again led the Lord to sound the golden bell and retreat, and then the battle finally came to an end.
Don’t listen to, three resin, Ye Fei, phase liu and others don’t have the mind and strength to kill those who kill the rhesus kid gathered together and looked at the ink djinn stone body together.
Leidong touched Ba. "Really dead?"
"Toutou!" Ye Fei’s sword knocked at the stone and djinn clanged.
"How awesome it is to put it in your pocket and wait until you get back to the door behind the mountain!" Come up with an idea
Su Jing shook his head and smiled. "It’s too stingy to put an evil thing at the door of Tianzong, which is far from the mountain path, and to set the enemy’s body at the gate …" Su Jing paused for a moment to find that he didn’t listen to his hand and held on to the continued "No trap to feel avenged."
Don’t break it, don’t beat it, don’t feel avenged!
This is a great discussion. Everyone is jumping for joy. In addition to peace of mind, the shadow monks are taking a step forward. Even the leader of the evil monk, the wronged Lang Hongyou, and the tiger tooth general Chang Qi have come to join in the fight for this stone statue.
The three dwarfs ignored everyone and ran a few steps together to pull the shadow monk out. "You hit you!"
The shadow monk doesn’t want to do this kind of "corpse destruction" thing, so ask him to smash three corpses, which is his favorite thing to do.
At that time, the scene was a little chaotic. I didn’t listen to this excitement. I took Su Jing’s hand and walked out. At the beginning of the war, Su Jing couldn’t say it easily. I shook my hand and smiled. "Didn’t I tell you before?"
"Two people shake hands and don’t shake the child." Su Jing looked at each other without listening. "If you throw me again, I’ll … I’ll …"
The tone is a little fierce, but "I just" can’t say it several times.
Su Jing smiled and nodded, "Well, never throw it away."
It’s simply sincere to prevent the little witch girl from sticking to Su Jing’s agenda. "Smart people can’t pretend to be stupid people … You are usually smart. Why are you stupid this time?"
Su Jing blamed for not listening to "Qi Ling", but he just said, "When I was trying to make justice, I was crazy and suddenly cried, and I was still alive … Her emotions were complicated.
Daughter-in-law Su Jing cried and said she couldn’t go. She wanted to comfort a few words, but she didn’t know how to say it. She recalled the fierce battle a little, then blinked her eyes after sweeping the bustling crowd in front of her, and inadvertently Su Jing also dropped a string of tears.
It’s not sorrow, it’s not ecstasy. It’s the most sinister battle since the beginning of practice. It’s good to win now and be alive. I feel a little sigh and cry when I want to cry.
My husband cried. If he didn’t listen, he couldn’t cry immediately. He was a little confused. Is this cheating? It’s really not an important thing to wipe away tears and fall into the crowd. Three corpses are waiting for Su Jing to greet him. From the old staff in print to the elite soldiers in Agu, one is counted and the other is moving. All the monsters and ghosts are called together to hold the weapon, hold the magic weapon, pinch the seal, pinch the hand … With the thunder, the Buddha will "fight!" Everybody hit the petrified remains together!
With depth of cultivation and high combat power, this group of fierce men from the middle earth came to the eleventh century, fell into the nether world from the altar of the sun, and then gathered from all sides to finally fight in the mountains of Chongchong. People made different contributions to the war every day because of their strength or chance, but regardless of their status, everyone’s life is generally precious and the most precious! Everyone gave their lives and worked hard, so everyone was glorious-imp, demon and renegade!
Reward gratitude for inviting all the companions to come together … to destroy the evil spirit’s corpse and break the evil spirit’s bones.
Come on, come on, let’s crush it together!
Screaming, laughing, cheering, boom, a burst of noise and hubbub. Heaven left a huge body, inch by inch, and it collapsed. djinn’s body was strong and extraordinary, but the self-eating fossil body became fragile after death. It was not as hard as ordinary stones, and it was easy to break it.
Without a moment’s cheer and excitement, Su Jing was dragged to sit around with important people in his companions. Before everyone could sit down with their eyes open, they couldn’t wait to ask, "What’s the matter with Su Qiang’s big Kirin?"
The inch unicorn crashed into the city, and the soul was left to pieces. The big unicorn lost his strength because he sent his blood and gas strength to Unicorn Chan. He fell to the ground and didn’t get hurt. Then … Snoring like thunder and falling asleep directly, this big guy regained his energy and went to sleep, but I don’t know when he would wake up.
The second brother didn’t say too white in the jade Jue because Su Jing didn’t know that the second brother left the eleventh world treasure house as a living and precious mountain monster Kirin.
There is no mountain in the world.
However, the center of the earth contains the essence of jade and jade, which produces a piece of triple-child, three-stone, three-stone, unicorn and Baoyu, which slowly affects the general trend and gradually gives birth to a precious mountain.
Chongchong Mountain is not the eleventh century. It used to be located in Middle-earth.
When the second brother expanded the world, he first built a big world, and later divided the world into three smaller parts. The division of heaven and earth was stable, but after the division, the other two "Eleventh" worlds were all fine, but this ghost shook and was in jeopardy.
Therefore, the second brother needs a "town stone" to stabilize the treasure of the underworld. He failed to find his twelve brothers in the middle of the earth and spent some time helping him find Chongchong Mountain.
Even the unicorn, jade, precious jade and precious mountain were still divided at that time, not in print. Wang simply moved the precious mountain into the eleventh century and moved it, but it was by no means a fall and a swing. There were a lot of complicated lessons in the work, such as the connection of the roots of the mountain, the circulation of the earth’s veins, and so on. The jade tire is alive, and the precious mountain is alive. Second brother must ensure that the mountain continues to "live". Only in this way can we keep the unicorn in the womb and make the precious mountain a "town stone" in the eleventh century.
However, after moving the mountain over, the second brother died, and this aura was not enough to support Kirin’s third child.
In his eyes, there is a true god, but he is determined to create a world in which he naturally fears heaven and earth, and he can’t bear to give birth to magical spirits in the middle-earth world, and he has made great efforts to "protect the fetus". This has also been ridiculed by the three kings Ayi as if he were a mother-in-law.
If it’s really the cultivation of Dacheng Kirin Holy Beast, the eyes of the three kings may still be "like a sample", and this kind of talent is not the real Kirin blood "soil Kirin", even if it grows to Wan Li’s body, it won’t bother to look at it
The second brother ignored the third sister’s painstaking efforts to cast spells from the Kirin brothers’ triplets, so that the ghost pulse of the eleventh world followed and nourished the two Kirin fetuses in Chongchong Mountain; The eleventh king cultivated the third unicorn by himself.
In the eleventh century, there are three buildings, the first two of which have collapsed successively. This world is the most stable and this precious mountain unicorn jade "town stone" is not small.
However, the second brother was busy with the creation of the world and was also responsible for the middle-earth ghost. Wang Jiazhong didn’t have much energy to raise Kirin, and the Kirin fetus he took with him saved his life. The failure to grow and develop was the final crash of the position Kirin in Floating City.
This is the difference between the collar and the horizon. Ordinary practitioners have a unicorn fetus, so what’s the difference? Make great efforts to feed Kirin even if he wants to drink his master’s blood, but second brother keeps Kirin as a cat. This little beast is of no use to Pluto.
Later, my second brother left some treasures in the eleventh century and sealed them in the precious mountain. In fact, he put them in the Kirin at both ends of the mountain, and one of them was sealed in a small jade Jue as a key to the library, which he gave to Su Jing not long ago.
When Su Jing spoke, everyone listened carefully, but after the war, they knew better how to cherish it. Mo Ye’s female "provocative" color ignored other people’s eyes and firmly grasped Su Jing’s hand and put a cicada’s head beside him on his shoulder.
"It will be said that Mo djinn and Yun Yao plotted the Uber to tamper with the second brother, the eleventh world, and all spells are more important …" Su Jingyin continued to say.
Heaven is greedy for the aura of worshipping mountains, moving the floating city to the mountains and the sky. It is also a series of spells to cast and grab the aura of worshipping mountains to nourish the sky and nourish yourself.
There is no doubt that there is a wide range of knowledge in heaven, but even the Buddha can’t know it. He doesn’t know that the two ends of the mountain have already been born out of shape, and the climate is fierce. He doesn’t even know that he is robbing the real aura, which is the vitality aura of the Kirin beast.
The beasts hiding in the mountains are counted as the eyes of the king. As soon as they are deployed, they are ordered by the king not to leave the mountain roots and calm the ghosts forever; Secondly, they simply don’t know that the world’s owners have discovered that the king is driving the sky and making them angry, and they still say that they are in print.
Yes, it’s a unicorn, but its wisdom is limited … After all, it’s silly and loyal. Since it’s wrong to recognize its master, it’s resigned to it, and the huge array of justice and law has taken away the aura. The big beasts at both ends of the mountain have been forcefully drained … It’s not until Su Jing arrives at the inch unicorn and flies into the ground that fortunately, the big unicorn knows that the real king has been in Tibet for half a mile, and his brother has been controlled by a demon for days. It’s not that the king has driven loyalty to it, and he has died confused, wronged and helped
Knowing the truth, the big beast is furious and violent, and the mountain collapses in one fell swoop. If you want to jump out and slaughter the enemy, you can talk about it later. If you struggle, you can get off the ground.
The exorcism in print is no small matter, especially at the beginning, two big beasts were willing to accept the exorcism. Fortunately, this big beast has been firmly trapped by the floating city spell for a long time.
I hope to see the light of day again, but the fierce battle outside the floating city will continue to hit the "Zhengyang Change". Su Jingde violently bombarded the Tower of Babel, which led to the law churning and madness. In the end, Zhengyang Change Su Jing’s sword collapsed, and he was shocked and smashed the tower. A tower did not collapse, but many spells hosted in the tower were severely affected, and most of the power was dispersed, so the big beast was rescued!
It can be said that Su Jing released the big beast.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-six Both gain and fear.
The first thing the big beast did when it broke through the ground was to come to Su Jing and present a "treasure house", that is, it spit on Su Jing’s jade.
The unicorn, the one in charge of the treasure collection among the three brothers of Lingtai, is dead, but the treasure in its belly is sealed by the king in print, which is not protected by the supernatural magic. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the "treasure unicorn", and before he died, he ordered the spirit knot to be wrapped in Lingshi Yuantai and gave it to the brothers around him to continue collecting.
All the treasures are well in the stone, and that stone also sealed the memory of the "treasure house Kirin". Su Jing took over the stone and knew that it had lived before and then blended what he knew, and immediately understood the cause and effect.
The second thing the big beast did after breaking ground was to bump into the floating city together, which was not only revenge for his brother, but also thanked Wang Jia for his dereliction of duty and responsibility! In the charge, both Kirin held the heart of death, and they were indeed too wronged and cheated too badly by the demon. Some of them were ashamed and resentful and could not be washed away!
Is the size of both Kirin wisdom "stupid" has praised the stupid bluntness is the real evaluation and their fury to identify the floating city demon hostage must be destroyed, but didn’t pay attention to the ink djinn justice that had already appeared outside the city at that time.
Kirin can smash the print sky in one fell swoop, except that it is fierce and powerful, and it is also a "town stone". Its print sky is of the same origin, all of which come from the same origin as the print sky, the king of Fadu, the master of the cycle, and the stability of the town stone.



