I don’t know what his nest is like now, maybe it’s better than us, maybe it’s worse.

(Kelan is stupefied that "all his nests are" … This sentence means that there are more than one nest?
Has this man, who once lived on Alpha Star and was suspected of being human, built many shelters like this? )
Our nest has completely fallen … Fortunately, we have sunk it to the bottom of the sea before, and no one can bring the disaster out of this place … All those who leave will be crushed by the sea …
This is the last thing we can do.
Chapter one hundred and sixty-two Another human language
"It turns out that the nests are all underground in Haidicheng …" Thirty-three murmured, "It’s because the people who live in the nests are completely desperate in front of the disaster, and they choose to put their nests into the bottom of the sea and seal the disaster here with hundreds of millions of tons of seawater … but this person has recorded so much without writing down what this disaster is all about?"
Thirty-three took a deep breath and continued, "Literally, it seems that the disaster is caused by the erosion and super-erosion of the human body caused by the taboo knowledge, but from the description of this recorder, it seems that some places are different."
I think he deliberately didn’t write the word "disaster" to refer to it. In a sense, it can block the broadcast of "disaster". Ke Lan thought about it and said, "Cognition is pollution". He left this record as a warning to the latecomers. If he described the disaster in detail, the latecomers might have been swallowed up by the disaster when they read this record. "
"That’s right," sighed Thirty-three. "This note seems to reveal a lot of information to us … It’s rare for him to visit these’ tunnel dwellers’ again and again and find a way to resist the disaster, but the question is that these’ tunnel dwellers’ themselves have become such half-man, half-mouse monsters … are their methods really valuable for reference?"
Koran didn’t answer the phone for the first time, but turned around and watched the tunnel dwellers who were madly hitting the cage, lost in thought.
Thirty-three didn’t bother Kelan himself, but he thought about it just now, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was "rooted"-that kind of desperate atmosphere was separated by more than 500,000 years and could make him feel the same way … that kind of feeling that no matter what he did, it would be useless. Thirty-three had already experienced it once, and he didn’t want to experience it again.
Thirty-three to jilt to jilt head testily will kick a small stone at the feet.
"I seem to have been influenced by that kind of emotional contagion …" Thirty-three muttered in his heart. Although he didn’t see the notes and the sounds directly, it had a great influence on him just by relaying them through Kelan.
Vaguely, he seems to feel that he has touched the history of more than 500,000 years … Despair, order, blood, madness … He can imagine that after the fall of the whole nest, those who were swallowed up by disaster will spend their lives in the end … but he doesn’t want to think about it.
He knows that if he wants to go again, even if the degree of erosion does not deepen, I am afraid there will be some problems in his mental state.
"The undead crew should know this note. I really think they have got the records and data of the experiments conducted by the Tunnel Dwellers," said Kelan suddenly after a long silence.
"What makes you think so?" Thirty-three Zheng "memento mori in your head, they may have seen it, but how can they get something with the tunnel dwellers? The undead crew members have never been to the nest. Except for us, there are the officers and men of Heluni’s crashed warships, but they haven’t been able to return to the ark until they die, and they haven’t had contact with the ark people … It doesn’t make sense. "
"The method of’ tunnel dwellers’ is probably to block the physical variation caused by’ disaster’ from a certain level through gene rewriting … in common parlance, it is a bit like fighting poison with poison … because the conditions of Channel 4 are limited, they can get the genetic samples and have the mutated organisms in the life channel … but for the undead crew, their choice range is much larger." Kelan said slowly and pointed to himself.
Thirty-three stare big eyes and open your mouth for half a day before saying, "You … symbiont … symbiont is the product of the compilation of alpha and human genes! You are the success! No wonder … No wonder you haven’t broken through that critical point after contacting so much taboo knowledge! "
"Well," Kelan nodded, "but another possibility can’t be ruled out, that is, someone in his nest has made a similar attempt and brought the results out."
"I feel more and more that this world seems a little unreal." Thirty-three smacked his mouth and said, "According to you, we humans came to this Alpha star 500,000 years ago … even earlier, and this planet built a number of’ nest capitals’ until this immigrant destroyed those Alpha talents who came out of nowhere because of the’ disaster’. Even Alpha’s two key resources, energy crystals and Nino alloys, became the owners of this planet.
Although there are millions of years of human history, the history of human culture is very short, even if the ark drifts for 900 years, it can’t exceed 10 thousand years. 500 thousand years ago, human beings just learned to use stone tools and fire, let alone interstellar travel. Even a modern man living in the 21st century can be worshipped by this group of primitive people when he crosses back.
"It’s not impossible," Kelan said. "I once had a hypothesis that hundreds of thousands of years ago, a group of primitive humans were abducted by alien languages-this alien language is a powerful and unknown language in the universe, and it may also be the’ great god’ who kept these abducted humans in captivity for some reason, such as an experiment … and these primitive people gradually developed their own languages from Alpha … due to different environmental conditions, or …
Kelan paused and then said, "You must have heard of the control variable method, right? Earth humans are like the control group without interference, while Alpha humans are the experimental group with added variables … Alpha humans have already entered the glorious industrial era when the vast majority of human beings on earth are still eating their hair and blood.
But after one incident, I completely denied this speculation. "
"What is it?" Thirty-three asked
"In the super dream video of the 776 special squad, I saw that some steel structures in the relics department had the inscription" Huaxia Heavy Industry "engraved in Chinese, not found in the nest capital." Kelan continued, "Even if two human languages are separated by unknown light years, it is difficult to develop the same words, which is even worse. Huaxia Heavy Industry is such a famous enterprise on the earth. Do you think there will be an Alpha star with the same name?"
"This can’t be a coincidence." Thirty-three followed Koran’s words and shook his head with a dignified face.
"I don’t think this can be a coincidence, so this first guess can be rejected by the disk," said Ke Lan. "Another possibility is the paradox of the timeline."
"Wormhole? !” Thirty-three eyes suddenly lit up and I couldn’t help but hold my breath. "The whole interstellar travel takes 90 years, and every year there is a detailed event record. It is impossible to have problems … The only time there is no record is the experience of the ark crossing the wormhole!"
"Yes, the wormhole … is the BUG of the whole timeline. Although it took us less than a year to understand that it took the ark to cross the wormhole, who can guarantee that hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years passed when it was outside the wormhole … maybe a group of earthlings escaped outside the ark and arrived at Alpha Star in another way and the planet took root?"
"If that’s the case, why would the undead crew want to hide everything? And Khruni, what do they think they can’t tell the truth to the public? Is it because of … disaster? "
"I think it’s" Kelan nodded. "The undead crew will not only want to digest the legacy left by the human language and Alpha language, but also don’t want this legacy to spread with the ark of’ disaster’ … Although there are still many things that are not clear for the time being, this should be true. The original intention of the undead crew will definitely be like this."
"But the insider will never die, and the crew members themselves will not be swallowed up by the disaster …" Thirty-three frowned. "If they are all symbionts like you, it’s good to say that if they are just a group of ordinary people who have been transformed … then they will also become … the minions of the disaster in that note."
"…" At 33 Kelan didn’t speak, lost in thought again.
"I think there may have been a plan for the Immortal Crew Association to let you be a symbiont to replace what they are, so that you can join the Immortal Crew Association so smoothly. But now it seems that some members are either greedy and immortal or some members have completely become … that kind of thing will get so bad." Thirty-three went on to say, "If I can, I really hope you can replace the Immortal Crew Association … at least you won’t squander our lives at will."
"That’s not certain." Kelan grinned with a wry smile. "If I don’t want to be a politician, I will sit in that position. Maybe my thoughts will not change with the present person. My views and ideas will always change with his position, status and responsibility. The word Do not forget your initiative mind is simple to say. How many people can do this?"
"You won’t become one of those irrational monsters, will you?"
"… that’s maybe"
"Well, regardless of this, what are you going to do? Do you still want to go to Chaodu City? " Thirty-three asked, "As far as the clues are concerned, this nest has not escaped the fate of destruction before the disaster … It is estimated that it is difficult for the urban area to find any way to fight the disaster."
"Don’t forget that we are not only in the Nest Capital … but also in the Babel Tower." Kelan sank. "The so-called’ trial training’ continues. Even if the nest has been destroyed, we can continue to move forward if we want to enter one, and I always feel that the Babel Tower will set this place as a trial training one. It is definitely not that simple."
"I almost forgot … even if I don’t go forward and turn back, I will have exhausted the sea water. Then I might as well see the remains left by this article with the same root as ours." Thirty-three looked at the "tunnel dwellers" trapped in the cage. "What about these guys? Let them go or … get rid of them? "
"I want them to lead the way," said Kelan, waving his hand and lifting the cage.
Instead of attacking Kelan and 33, those "tunnel dwellers" turned and ran headlong into the darkness in the depths of the passage.
Although the tunnel dwellers can keep their feet upright, they still run on all fours like most wild animals. The long, thick mouse tail stands high and keeps swinging slightly to help keep the body balanced during high-speed movement.
They are very fast, but it’s a pity that they encounter guys like Kelan and Thirty-three. The former can easily chase these tunnel dwellers even if they don’t rely on Zeluo’s strength to strengthen human body by level nine. The way he moves is even more fantastic-directly stepping on the Nino alloy hand axe on the soles of his feet. Although the steering is not flexible and there is a risk of being thrown out, the moving speed of the garbage passage is not lost to Kelan.
It didn’t take long for a barely visible outline of the ruins to appear in their sight.
This ruin consists of dozens of shacks connected together, most of which have collapsed, and a few shacks are barely habitable, but they are covered with repair marks.
All kinds of rubbish and broken bones were scattered in the ruins, and a faint fishy smell filtered cotton through the breathing mask into Kelan’s nasal cavity.
In addition to those "tunnel dwellers" who have just been released by Kelan, there are more than a dozen tunnel dwellers living in the ruins. Kelan and Sanshiyi are close to the ruins, and these tunnel dwellers with all kinds of weapons immediately surround them.
"It seems that fighting is inevitable." Kelan sighed. He was really reluctant to fight these tunnel dwellers … especially after reading that note.
"If you can’t communicate with them, you can solve the problem by force." Thirty-three Kelan’s side set a hundred Nino alloy flying blades to form an inverted triangular shield. "Pay attention to the four o’clock direction where there is a tunnel dweller with something in his hand. It should be a gun … Although I’m not sure if that thing can be fired now, it’s always right to be careful."
Chapter one hundred and sixty-three City
The tunnel dwellers are not afraid of physical combat effectiveness, but they still feel that they should be given some respect for this hot weapon issued by human language.
Unlike Ark immigrants who have been drifting in the universe for 900 years, devoted themselves to energy and food, and didn’t develop weapons technology until they found Alpha, they arrived on this planet hundreds of thousands of years earlier than Ark, and no one can guarantee that their weapons technology has developed to such an extent in these hundreds of thousands of years.
Who knows if it will be a bullet or a laser … even … after being highly compressed?
They have reason to believe that they can build individual weapons that can break through the wall.
"Give priority to getting rid of targets with guns and allow them to kill" Kelan nodded slightly.
"Leave it to me." With a wave of his right hand, thirty-three black flying blades sadly shot at the tunnel dweller with suspected firearms and weapons, and the latter also raised their guns at thirty-three very quickly.
Kelan suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, grabbed the backpack behind thirty-three and dragged him back-the ground where thirty-three had been for one second collapsed to form a pit about ten centimeters deep.



